笑傲江湖 (削凹浆糊?) 2006

Friday, September 28, 2007

The FISH! Experience

On course again...!!! This is the last one for the year...more to come next Mar/Sept during school term break.

This is the 1 Day course on the FISH! experience. The whole FISH! concept started in Seattle port, where the 12 fishmongers in a seafood shop named The Pike Place, decided to spice up their routine smelly, boring, hard labour by having fun at work and involve their customers while doing so too.
Their revolutionary movements took the world by storm and now it became the classic life / customer service model. The basic concept of the FISH! model involves 4 fundamental ingridients :

1. PLAY - carry a light heart while u are at work

2. MAKE THEIR DAY - serve others first and make great memories

3. BE THERE - Life is an amazing gift, so be fully present for it (活在当下!)

4. CHOOSE YOUR ATTITUDE - The fundamental of the 4. Choose n choose wisely. they can be rouchy but they choose to be positive n have fun during work instead.

You can see them in action with this preview link : http://www.videoarts.com/productPreview.do?no=FISH

Will try to see if I can get the library to buy the DVDs...they are really not cheap!!

Then of course there is the sequel to it and called the FISH! Sticks - this is the long term vision part where you need 3 commitments for success :

1. FIND IT - don't bother copying them, you will sure fail !!- For as you are unique and go find what is special about yourself and your business!
2. LIVE IT - No guarentee life will be smooth sailing. When times get tough, have your past vision moments to boost you and get you going.

3. COACH IT - Support each other by coaching and affirming.

FISH! FOOD - regular serving of these nutrients will sustain you a long long time!!

1. Inspiration - what inspires you?

2. Innovation - constantly looking ways to improve?

3. Gratitude - be greatful for what you have!!


Quotable quotes: " Definition of success : You love what you are doing so much so that you are willing to do it for free. But the fact that you do it so well, people are willing to pay you do what you do!!" Cool!


I decided to apply what I learn immediately. Cos the multi-colour napkin rose has just arrived from USA into the CCK post office last night. So during lunch I decide to skip the meal and drive to CCK to collect the parcel. Then I went back to SIM and start asking the female classmates their favourite colour and fold the napkin rose for them.

This took many of them by surprise and this move sure make their day. One also immediately apply what she learnt and wrote me an appreciation card to let me know.


I think I am basically a rather FISH!y person even before the course. But to see there are actually many ppl out there doing the same thing and such actions are deemed desirable and recognised is very fullfilling.

Things to do after this course:

1. When sending out small gifts during lecture , I shall follow what the fishmongers do -

" 1 highlighter going to Tan Ah Beng!!!"

2. Put sign on door to declare your attitude. Haven't really decided the slogan yet.... maybe:

" Beare!! FISH!y person at work!!" those who are aware of FISH! will understand.

3. 1 lunch out with fellow colleague per month - already doing this with the DTs/TSOs. perhaps should do so for the lecturers kakis.

4. No use coupon board? where ppl put their coupons / vouchers on the board so thers may have use for it

5. Make his day !! - creat Yi Fan's MSN messenger in Oct
6. Make her day!! - I believe Maryam will be thrilled to see the new product of multi-coloured napkins. Called her and made an appointemnt with her after the term test to drop by NYP to collect a box.

7. make her day!! - to order tupperwear for my wife - discount or no discount.

Dear readers - are you FISH!ed??


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