笑傲江湖 (削凹浆糊?) 2006

Monday, June 09, 2008

Memory workshop with my PEM

Today is the 1st day of the term break and decided to spend some time with my 1st year PEM. I thought that it would be a good idea to conduct the memory workshop to fill the 2 hours period, also it will be timely to show them how they memorise things and forget things.

Actually would like to take this opportunity to invite some of the 3rd year or graduate students to come back to share the workshop too. It's always nice to see them back in school again. However, initial feedback from the class rep is "almost" the whole class wanted to come...so i think there will be not much room left in the tutorial room left so finally gave up the idea.

Then in the end only 11 turn up...so classroom was only 1/2 filled and pizza order was too much...so have to force them to eat more and pass some to the DTs and Mr Luda (he loves pizza!!)

In the end it was a rather fun session, they are a more demnading bunch as their description of items are now more elaborate...rather than just 1 word item. It's good that I revisit the techniques again...helping myself to remember the lesson even better and more experience and better linking experience too. So Iy's win-win for both sides.

As promised Let's recall the 20 items that we have tried to remember this morning :

1 - Bun - Grand father's clock
2 - Shoe - Pacifier
3 - Tree - Chimpanzee
4 - Door - Cookies
5 - Hive - Soap
6 - Stick - Banana Milkshake
7 - Heaven - Skeleton
8 - Gate - microphone
9 - Vine - SHOW ( 罗志祥 )
10 Hen - Marshmellow
11 Chopsticks - Pizza
12 Swan - Orange and Banana fruit juice
13 Heart - Musical notes
14 Yatch - radio
15 Hook - Angelina Jolin
16 Elephant trunck - Tennis racket
17 Cliff - pink elephant
18 Snowman - Blueberries
19 Flag - Oxygen tank
20 Donut - Harry Potter Quite easity done actually. :)

After that rushed down to Taka - to catch the ManU EPL trophy on dispaly and took picture with it. Donated some $$ for the Sichuan earthquake box and got 5 ManU GV movie cards. Due to some communication problems with those directing the crowd, I thought the 4 girls following me can only take 1 picture together...instead they are actually allowed to take 4...so they can actually change position and patterns until they dunno how to pose. Where as I am only allowed to take one. 真是太没有天理了!!!!!


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