笑傲江湖 (削凹浆糊?) 2006

Saturday, September 23, 2006

EuTongSeng attachment ???

For the past few semesters, I made a point to meet up with the P6 students in CPTC to catch up with them during their training there.

Time to see how are they doing and also good to pass them some sweets... so hopefully they don't fall asleep during lectures. Hehe.

Also, it is appropriate time that I have a chance to spell out clearly the attachment companies under my care. What is the company business, , job nature, working enviroment, boss character, expectations and pay package etc etc.

I believe this extra session is valuable and win-win....as I can share the true scenarios with the students. The heard the whole story, no glamourization / not gloom ad doom conspiracy. Then they think about their own needs and interests. If the job fits, let me know and I shall check if there is anything planned for them for the better or worse. If the pbp coordinator (my boss actually) found it to be suitable, then we have a match. Bingo!

In this way, I really hope that there will be more commitment from the students side and once they get what they opt for...they will put in their heart n soul into the job later...and so far it has proven that my hypothesis is correct. So far no problem faced from those who volunteered.

And also since the companies under my care are NOT Multinational corporation..and the pay is just standard pay and reputation wise cannot really match Shell / Exxon / Seraya and some big Pharama companies...really I can't ask for top grade students for attachment. But what I hope to do is to add value to the student and help them to go through the attachment with minimum or no hickups.

I just hope they felt taken care of and appreciate my frank advise along the way. That should translate into better realtionships later and they should feel a sense of achievement / attachment later on.

It has also provided me an opportunity to work with quite afew students that I have no chance to know them well during the lessons. Since then, relationship with such students has vastly improved...I can only hope that they enjoy working in the company I told them, and have no complaints about the way I handle attachment / visits / reports / presentation preparations.

LiJun / Ghafu and 2 more (sorry ole already really cannot remember le) were with me in 04.

MuiMui / Shufang / Daniel / WanEe / Karen / Wiro / Farhan / LiLi / Durrah were with me in 05.

This year it will be Marcus / Elaine / James / Huay Shan. Coming soon - next sem - Loh Yun / Angela / Nor Adam / Joanne / Wei Kin and one more Kenny- pending.

These are the small group of students who I have chance to work with during the PBP and the relationship I hope is a bit more special also.

A bouns joke this year : -

After this year explaination session, i received a SMS message later on in the evening from student A:

"Sir - the Eutongseng company, for gals lab tech, I'm interested, :) "

I was actually stunned for a moment...where got this chinese traditional medicine company under my care for attachement ah?? Then after awhile I suddenly realised that this student was referring to ItalSing (Lubricant company)!!! ...not the TCM EuTongSeng lah.

Feel like replying to her and say : "You like to sell 余仁生 白凤丸 ??
I just hope that she wont get a rude shock to arrive at the ulu ulu plant of Italsing ...expecting to see a high class Eutongseng sales counter like in west mall ah...hahaha.

Oh no...pbp havn't start and i already smell potential trouble...blur queen on her way to me...


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