笑傲江湖 (削凹浆糊?) 2006

Sunday, March 29, 2009

How many children??

During refreshment time dring recent staff confrence, some of the colleagues was happy for a female colleage who was expecting and discussing away on the topic on planning and having children. Some have more and some have less...so how many is ideal?

My answer to the question: "depending on your character really...depending you are an Octopus mum or a Sea turtle mum type."....and they look back at me with a look of "Huh??"

You see, I saw this "most extreme" episode in animal channel. The most extreme caring mum in the animal kingdom...the number 1 mum - is Octopus. The poor mum after laying the eggs, have to stay in the hatch yard and non-stop blowing water towards the eggs. This is to increase the water flow and make the oxygen available for the eggs to develop and hatch properly. The mum don't eat at all for weeks...and finally when the egg are ready to hatched, the poor octopus mum is exhausted and died. So now you know, the little octopus never get to see their mum...who sacrifise every bit of her energy to make sure the develop well.

Mind you octopus are not low IQ animal. they are extremely smart and can solve maze puzzle and adapt well of the size of containment. But when it comes to child bearing..they are extremely stubborn and don't even want to eat to take care of the eggs.

On the other hand, there is the sea turtle, who lay the eggs and let the sun / sand to hatch the eggs. Many of the young one dunt even survive their journey from beach to sea and were eaten by birds.

So my point is you have to ask yourself whay is your attitude towards upbringing of your children. Are you an Octopus or you are more carefree??

I see from my children class that there are mums who travel all round S'pore just to send their child to a good tuition teacher, and many quit jobs and learn / study / coach their child.

Some willing to hire maids to let them take care of thier child...some would never.

I think only you are aware of your own attitude then you are ready to decide how many children you will plan to have. my wife is more towards a octopus...me more towards a sea turtle type...so we average out to have 2 children. :)



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