笑傲江湖 (削凹浆糊?) 2006

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Yi Fan posted to my old school

After 2 weeks wait (while we shop and vacate in SZ), the secondary school posting of Yi Fan is finally out.

As early as 8am, I received the SMS posting notification. No we did not get the 1st choice, instead we got our second choice. My old school anyway. So we told Yi Fan as soon as he was awake and he was very happy with the posting result. So there is no need to waste trip to appeal etc etc.

Brought him to report to school to buy text books and school uniforms. The uniform has not change much after all these years...but the PE shirt /shorts has really improved a lot, latest comfy material.

Has to bring him to school early in the morning (reaching school by 7.15am) . Yi Fan still prefer me to drive him to school rather than taking school bus....poor me, alamak, that means i have to weak up at teast 30 mins earlier in the morning...less sleep year after year....sob...

Monday, December 07, 2009


I was sending my son to his violin lesson on Sunday. Instead of waiting boringly in the music centre for 1 hour, I decided to have a wlk around in the neighbourhood.

At the bottom of the building, I found this medical hall chain 马光 clinic. The cost of a 30 mins TCM 推拿 looks quite reasonable. So i think it will be a good way to relax for 30 mins and get my muscle relaxed.

The therapist who attended me is a qulaified TCM physician and accupunchrist. He is also quite bulky build. Asked me if I had been treated before, and replied "only occassional massage". Then he tab around my back muscle and told me my muscles are all very stiff and if i can endure pain. I replied, I think can tahan abit lor....

Then to my horror the physician actually started to relax my stiff muscles - BY USING HIS BODY WEIGHT PRESS HARD UPON HIS PIN POINTED ALBOW ONTO MY ACCUPUNCTURE POINTS.

For the next 10-15 mins is nothing but pure painfulness. all over my back and shoulder. Starting to see stars in my eyes. He told me to shout if I cannot take it...the problem is I am so painful that I cannot even shout....so he thinks it's OK and add 10-15% extra strength every time asking if I was ok.....

below are some conversation we strike during the session:

“喔? 你要是在战场上,会是个英雄。”
“你很会忍痛! 被敌军拷打,应该可以承受得起,哈哈哈。“
“噢? 我觉得痛是痛, 但还好啦。。。况且我又死爱面子“
“但你居然吭都不吭一声, 很会耐痛。“
“不。。。教书较久了,吐血吐多了, 人就麻木了。“

So in the end, my muscles are very relax, but very painful. Butyou feel light and good strangely. My shoulder and back strain are gone. And he told me 2 conclusions after the session:

"1. your are really a tough guy...
2. your health and back are OK"

After so many years, I finally realise : 推拿不等于按摩!! 推拿 is really hard core massage!!! Dun try it unless you are ready for the pain!!