笑傲江湖 (削凹浆糊?) 2006

Wednesday, August 06, 2008


It's 1.30am and I just crawled out from bed...I knew if i dun write this down, I will not be going to be able to sleep for the rest of the night...so might as well do it cos it invokes quite alot of memory and emotions....

Many of us grow up taking up sports, either physically and / or mentally to get fit / socialise / toughen our mental and physical sharpness. During my teenage years, I took up Volleyball as a sport.

My Secondary school is Chinese high school. It was the "Volleyball Empire" during the 70s. In the school, there are 20 outdoor volleyball courts...yes you read it correct...20!! Still, after school time, there will be no empty courts available and students have to quarrell and almost push and shove their way to get into a court to play. That's how crazy the school is about the sport and that's where i 1st started playing the game...from 0 knowledge and a shortie (4th shortest in class at Sec 2).

Luckily volleyball allow 12 to play at the same time...so I do get quite abit of chance to learn and practise. Including warm ups. And trust me...there are many many splendid players in the school, who are playing for combined school, even national levels. So rookies like us when facing them, we must be prepared to "吃球餅"...meaning kenna hamtam by the opponent's thunderbolt spikes.

You probably can never imagine the feeling of the impact...most likely one would be on the ground, feeling the earth is rotating faster and unevenly. Then next think you know is someone handed you your broken spec and time to go get it change (AGAIN!!). Compared to badminton smack and ping pong ball...the frequency is alot higher too as the game is all about spike, spike, spike. That how we grow up....and learn the skill.

But soon we were into the game, we know that there will be NO FEAR. FACE IT and retrive it instead.

From newbie...to be the class reserve...and then I work my way into HJC reserves...and finally in NUS volletball team, still not the first 6 but at least in the 1st ten. Volleyball was my passsion then.

My coach in NUS told me I was selected in the school team not because I have fantasit skill, but instead I had the right attitude and was very mobile at the back. I also grow up alot taller during that short 2-3 years due to constant jumping...and reach 1.76m eventaually.

In 2nd year of NUS I had a bad v bad knee injury and forced to retire cos I am not suppose to jump anymore to aggrevate the injury. That's where I switch from Volleyball to squash and tae-kwan-do.

But the involvement in the sport has thought me alot of things...beliefs and habits which I am still displaying when i am playing other games...(like badminton). So what are the lessons I tresure?? Please read the next entry. :)


  • Hi Hong Hoo

    Greeting from NZ.

    I am glad that I have stumble across your blog.
    I enjoyed my Volleyball days during my carefree years in Singapore. I had also played a few years of Volleyball in NZ. Or should I say, until my knees packed up on me. I think this is part of the "occupational hazard".
    I enjoys reading your blog. Why not trying out on short stories?


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Thursday, August 07, 2008 5:39:00 AM  

  • Oh Hiii Ah Poh!!! Long time no see!!!

    I am not very good at making up stories....hahahah...prefer to tell my real life experience to share w my friends and students. such writing have more impact i think. It's my own experience in life and it unique.

    Nice to hear from you!!

    By Blogger 鸿图, at Saturday, August 09, 2008 2:29:00 PM  

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