笑傲江湖 (削凹浆糊?) 2006

Saturday, October 04, 2008


Attended the final 2 of Tony's series of courses this semester break...about using mind mapping with a computer and age proof my brain.

Learnt the softwear IMindMap v3. very user friendly!! Can't remember the last time I learn to use a softwear in such quick time. And feeling excited and good about the results produced too!!

For the lat 6-7 evenings I am totally engorssed into generating the new mind maps using the iMM, and then with just a click of a button, it can transor my mind maps into ppt presentation
in interrative mode, with contents and images coming out at 1 click at a time.

This is great for teaching!!

Already generated / trasnformed 6 mind maps into computer format. I am riding on the passion now and hope I can generate another 6 next week (mainly teaching purpose) and eventually do at least 50 iMMs.

Here are some of the samples:

iMM About myself. Everyone should do 1. This will be great for self intro and impress your interviewer.

This 1 is for the intro of the new diploma in Biologics. Will use this to train the student leaders.

And this 1 is the summary in Fire & explosion - for IS CL3361

About Age proofing my brain - It reminds me of The Law Of Attraction. Think on the positive and Good, and your body will respond to the thoughts. But Master Buzan present this not with faith, but with real data / examples /images of how the brain works. So it's the secret- scientific style rather than mythical style.

Anyone very very very keen on learning IMM and have time to learn / work with it? Let me know!!


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