笑傲江湖 (削凹浆糊?) 2006

Monday, November 26, 2007

Memory Workshop 3

This is the latest improved version of Buzan memory workshop. Previously we tried 20 basic systems and now I have come up with a new enhanced way to further it to 30. So can stretch the memory pattern even further.

Most important of all, it can be fun!!! We had a great time during the last workshop...hope this one will be equally as good.

Date : 17 Dec (Mon)

Time : 9 am - 11 am

Venue : Depending on the response...if > 20 then in LTQ1, if not will do it in the Tut room at P4.

Bring your own pen... and a open mind....that's all.

I'll provide chocs, sweets, paper, entertainment etc.

Interested? pls register!! n see u on the day itself...pls be on time too...if not u catch no ball ...

Friday, November 23, 2007

No free lunch in this world...

What a horrible horrible lunch experience.....

I am invited for lunch out with the DTs/TSO....I would have thought normally the birthday person get to choose what he wants to eat...but not in my case....

So we end up in this Sichuan resturant (next door there is a sharksfin resturant!!!) and ordered 5 really simple dishes :-

Dish 1. CHILLIES with something else...i think is pork stomach...

Dish 2. CHILLIES with something else...I think is slice meat...

Dish 3. CHILLIES with something else...I think is beef...

Dish 4. CHILLIES with something else...I think is intestine...

Dish 5. CHILLIES with CHILLIES!!! 100% CHILLIES and nothing else.... (this is the emperor of all dish - once we tried this dish we practically have to stop eating anything after that).

1st time in my life eat lunch until have headache. Need 2 strong panadol immediately before I can even try to attempt to drive back to school. DT P also feeling the same pain as me. DT A having stomach ache instead...only ah meng happily eating >5 slices of water melon to revive her tongue and stomach.

During tea break we had the chocs and tou-sah-bao they bought for me...they are rather rare...so we are actually quite excited to try out the new experience and new brand of choc...

Think the choc contains alcohol...if not they cannot be so drunk...start talking about watching sunset in Bali @morning and visit China to see Guang Gong's black face like bao qing tian...and DT A even want to stay in shaolin temple to disturb the monks....

(or maybe they are sooooo shock by my marriage story.)

Anyway it's a really eventful and funfill day. Thanks.

PS - many thanks to TSP (she was 2 months early!) / Aishah / Cowgal / Annie / Wan ee / YH / Kohpisoh / Ah Han / TianLin / Sarah M / SockMui / YL / GL for your well wishes message too! Gd luck to your tests and working life!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Badminton Night ....after 1 year

It has really been awhile since I played badminton....more than a year I believe. Thank god it's yaer end school holidays again and there is no need to rush home to fetch my son back from school. So decided to stay back this evening to have a nice workout.

Managed to get quite a few colleagues to join in....8 to be exact...instead of 9.

Lunch time we eat out and they kind DTs bought me a durain cake. We ate it straight after lunch and shared among 8 of us who loved durians. Hua - He- Shang can't stand the smell so he perfer to stay away. :) This is considered as the pre-celebration. Come Thurday...after my leave on Wed...we will eat out to mark my 44th Bday (Actual day)!!

The cake is rather filling to me so I didn't actually feel hungry at 5pm so I didn't eat during tea break to perpare for the long night.

The badminton games were really fun...most of the time we were laughing aloud. We get to know who can play and also discover each their individual style too. I don't really keep score about the game but I am more interetsed to keep score for HITS on body. I believe the score was 4-1 tonight. Hit others 4 times (1 actually resulted in blueblack on Ah Meng) and was hit 1 by DT A ..BELOW THE BELT!!!

Played full 2hours...we all agreed that it was a very good workout and FUN too. Then before we go home we decided to pay a surprise visit to a friend. We are all prep up about the accassion and DT A were even trembling with excitment about the visit.

This is how they were dress up just before entering the target room...

My video was ON nad ready too...but the intended target were not there...what an anti climax!!

Oh well, nvm, we will be back to strike again later....

Thursday, November 15, 2007


很奇怪,过去一周生活平静得可怕。虽然打电玩“地狱闸门-伦敦”在第二关就被卡住了, 而且学打字,学到中级第二十一课也被逼放弃,但毕竟不是什麽大事,没有这个冲动要向大家诉苦。

但是直觉认为,暴风雨前来临的前一刻, 总是特别平静的。。。果然不出我所料!且听我所,故事是这样开始的。。。


陈老师一脸铁青的走到了裴老师的座位前,辛辛地问道:“为什麽你教的那班,各个学生都有一份明天测验的全部题目和解答??!!在今年三班里, 只有你那班有测验题,而且还带有题解的资料!”

裴老师此时故作镇定, 表示出一脸无奈,说道 :“唉,现在的学生,神通广大,都学会向学哥学姐们要资料了。”

陈老师再细想了一下 , 反驳道:“不可能!去年我们并没有把测验题公开, 全部考卷都回收了,不可能由高年班的学生外泄。”

裴老师双肩一耸,莫可奈何的回应道:“那我可就不知情了。。。不妨老实说,我连有题解这回事都不知道呢!!!” 接着哈哈哈的干笑了几声。

陈老师冷冷的说:“ 裴老师你太建忘了吧。我电脑里还有上学期,我把测验题解电邮给你的存档呢!!”

“ 噢是吗?! 你看你看,我连题解都不记得了,又怎莫会去把它交给别人?你说是吗?”

“ 可这份资料就只有你,我和花和尚有而已。。。”

此时的裴老师就像就快溺水的人,突然发现了救命的一根浮木。拼死拼活的接了下去 -

“就是嘛,就是嘛,我都说了,一定另有其人!! ” 然后突然放下声量, 故作神秘的凑向前, 一脸正经的说:“ 我告诉你,就-是-花-和-尚。你可要防范着他一点。”

“ 你又怎麽知道 ?”

“ 咳!你想想看,不是你,不是我,不就只剩下他吗?”

“ 可是他并没有教你那一班呀??!!”

“er...er...哎哟反正不是我啦, 我连这份资料在我电脑里存在哪里都不知道, 有哪里会拿出来交给别人??


朱老师也知道了这件事,对我说:“ 哇靠!!那哩有老师做到这样的!!我真的越来越瞧不起她了。。。”

我听了淡淡地说- “现在知道,还不算迟。 我比较辛运,20 年前就领教过了。”




以上情节 , 纯属虚构 , 如有雷同 , 实属巧合。

上得山多 , 终遇老虎 , 爆料太多 , 小心屁股。 哈哈哈哈哈哈!!!

Monday, November 05, 2007

Typing progress update

Had been really dilligently exercising with my typing CD for the last week ...hence very little time to worry about the blog entry.

Basically the good news is - I have successfully completed and passed the 50 lessons of the beginner class. So I am OK now for typing a - z in small letters. My speed of typing using the correct fingering method is about 20 words per minute.

Right now I am working on the Intermediate Course - lesson 10 so far...

The first few lessons had been very hard for a man with stiff fingers. Need to suppress the left n right SHIFT keys for capital letters now and I always failed to stretch my last finger properly. If I moved my whole hand diagonally down ...then I always failed to go back to the original position.

Eventually Ah Meng reminded me to use the pertruding dot on the keyboard to recognised the F and J keys. That really helps alot in finding my way back to the right position and I make much less errors after that. Managed to pass the tests with ease now for the last few lessons. Curret typing speed with capital letters - dropped t0 12-15 words...but I will try to do better once I get more n more used to the SHIFT / CTRL keys.

Hope to press on to further my progress in the intermediate stage. My very conservative aim is to complete all the 40 lessons by end November.

My son also spends 30-45 mins daily on the typing exercise...currently completed lesson 10 ...hope he will at least finished beginner course by the end of the month too.

Until then....all is well...back dun ache much now...till I write again next time...